Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Washington D.C.

HI! We camped in Washington D.C. at this really great campsite. Showers, hot water (in Ohio we didn't have any hot water), and the all important SHOWER CURTAINS!! :) When we got there Dylan got out of the van and began creating things with fallen logs and his ropes. Ladders, a tripod to hold our 'hot running water', etc. Non-stop creation. It was fun to watch. Brad and I were sitting on our hind ends with our feet up. :)

So much to see in D.C. we couldn't get to it all. We saw the spy museum. We went on a staff guided tour of the capital thru John Sullivan's office. A college intern showed us around. We saw the rotunda, the gallery of the house, and the old, old (from the 1800's) supreme court area. We walked around the mall, thru the National Archives, past the white house then walked all the way to the WWII and Lincoln Memorials. We started at 9:30 am (got on the first subway) and got back to the campsite @ 10pm. Our feet sure hurt.

The next day we slept in some then got to the Washington monument around 11:30 and had prearranged tickets (over the i-net) to ride up to the top. Those poor park rangers answer these questions a million times a day-- Where do we get tickets? There are no more tickets for today? How do we get the tickets? -- they were the most patient people I have ever seen. About the 25th time I am pretty sure I would begin shouting the answers.

We went through a lot of the natural history and air & space smithsonian museums and the castle. Dylan really enjoyed everything. This is now his favorite place we have visited, replacing Niagara Falls. I am sure New York is still on the bottom of his list.

We are happily at Julie's house in Midlothian, Virginia. Whew! We are happily NOT walking anywhere. The van is completely full of dirty clothes and well - just dirty in general. Austin has a car washing business. I told him to be sure and check out how big and dirty the van is before he makes any deals with Uncle Brad. :)

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