Thursday, July 19, 2007

Savannah, Cape Canaveral...

Hi again. We drove to Savannah after a few fun filled days in Charleston. We ate at a fun Irish bar & grill that had musicians come in every Sunday night and play irish music. It appeared that anyone who wanted just showed up. It was great music and the food was good. We drove along the riverfront and it was interesting and had lots of shops. For us, it seemed like a lot of other cities we have seen lately (the longer you vacation, the more jaded you become :). We skipped eating at Paula Deen's because without a group of 10 or more you cannot make reservations and the line for lunch starts forming at 9:30a.m. We didn't think that sounded like fun so we drove on to Cape Canaveral. We had thought we would camp out at this great place that was right next to the water. Families have seen Manatees swimming there and you can watch the cruise ships come and go. However, the first night proved to be unbearably hot. The next day we went to the Kennedy Space Center -- it was AWESOME! Then we moved to a hotel. We went back the next day to finish seeing everything. It was such a fun thing. I wish we could have heard more information. Every day there is a retired astronaut who comes and talks to visitors. Our guy was commander on the final Skylab mission. This was Dylan's favorite part. We also watched an IMAX film about walking on the moon. We saw Endeavor sitting on launch pad A, being prepared for launch on August 7th. We got to see parts of the international space station being built by different nations in a huge clean room in the "orbitor processing facility", saw the vertical assembly building (VAB), launch pads, an eagle's nest near the 2 shuttle launch pads. We also went on a "shuttle launch experience" ride. It was great fun.

Today we drove to Ft. Lauderdale after our second day at the Space Center. We have been avoiding the pool and beach the last couple of days because both the boys got a bit of a burn. We are going to relax tomorrow and then Saturday morning I board a plane and am done with MY vacation but the boys will be beginning their scuba camp experience on Sunday.

Miss you all!! See you Soon!!

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