Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day ?

The Cleveland Indians game shown left.

Seagulls were swarming the upper decks where we were. I tried to get pictures of them. Notice the foul ball pole. (We sat in the cheap seats.)

I am so confused I should probably stop numbering. :)

Can you believe we are in Canada, eh? We decided to come over and see the falls from this side also. Yesterday we rode the maid in the mist - it was beautiful. Last night we walked along the falls - they light them up at night. Alternately white then colors. Ick on the red. No one wants to see flowing red stuff do they?

Anyway, some rubber stuff was coming loose on the van and we stopped yesterday to eat lunch and a nice New York glass guy fixed it right up for us. He didn't even want us to pay him (but we did). He had a strong New York accent but I can't reproduce it. So I am stuck only having fun saying 'eh?' to Dylan and Brad all evening last night until I am sure they were sick of it, eh?

Today we are going to the Cave of the Winds then to Cooperstown. We are uploading more pictures today off our phones. Maybe at Julie's we will take time to upload the ones from our camera.

Miss & Love You All!!

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