Sunday, June 24, 2007

Cooperstown, Ticonderoga, & Boston

Hi Again!!!!!
I forgot to mention that Dylan had a unique experience in Canada. He was riding in the elevator by himself when a whole family started trying to converse with him in French. lol. I would have loved to see his face. He didn't say "I don't speak French" or anything - he just smiled at them. I wonder how long it took them to realize he didn't understand.

We have been going so hard and fast we are exhausted! We went to Cooperstown and the Baseball Hall of Fame. It was fun and interesting. Dylan loved the town because every store in town is a baseball store except for the restaurants. :) He said he has never seen so many baseball stores in one place! Cooperstown doesn't have much else in it but it is very quaint. If we go back we will stay in a bed & breakfast in town. They are all over town and the town is so green with a beautiful lake and lots of people walking and riding bikes.

We drove to the Adirondacks to camp out. Did you know that when you camp out in the Northeast that you camp 10 feet from the people camping next to you. Not much of wilderness feeling. How do you know when your campsite is TOO family friendly?? When you cross camp and see a man carrying a pair of boys undershorts on a 3 foot long stick towards the bathroom. That was pretty funny.

We went to Fort Ticonderoga. This fort is between Lake George and Lake Champlain and was fought over by the Indians, French, British, & Americans over about 100 years. They fired off a musket shot while we were there, we saw a pair of dueling pistols given to George Washington, lots of cannons built in France and taken to the Fort when the French built the fort to protect their trading there. The cannons were later transported from the Fort to Boston for George Washington to use them to fight the British in the revolutionary war. Also - there was some stuff about the USS Ticonderoga which happened to pick up the last 2 apollos ships from the ocean.

Then we drove to Boston. Our hotel has several Italian houseworkers and we spent the day in the Northern Boston area which is full of Italian restaurants and bakeries and the "Freedom Trail". I kept wondering if we were in a Mob area. (too many movies). We went to church service in the old North Church (one if by land, two if by sea). It was neat. Then we followed the trail. Saw a bunch of street performers, Paul Revere's house, Samuel Adams and John Hancocks resting place. We were exhausted and came back around 4pm. We figured out the trains pretty well. Dylan is pretty confident considering the last time he road a subway was when he was around 8 I guess.

Tomorrow we are going to see some more of Boston. Probably Fenway park, maybe JFK's museum. We are getting tired of packing up so frequently and are really looking forward to getting to Julie's for a while. :)

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